The monograph is the first comprehensive study of the development of preschool and primary rural education in southern Ukraine in the first postwar decade (1945-1955). The paper analyzes and uses a wide range of published and archival sources, official documents, materials of periodicals, statistical reports, memoirs, a significant part of which was first introduced into scientific circulation.
The issue of preschool and primary rural education of Southern Ukraine in the first postwar decade (1945-1955) is studied. The focus is on the difficulties and achievements of the restoration of educational institutions after the war.
The restoration of the educational process is analyzed; the revival of the material and technical base, activities to increase the number of students and staff of educational institutions, and improve the quality of primary and preschool education. Attention is paid to the impact of public policy on the system of primary education and the formation of worldviews in preschool children and primary school students. The most important post-war task is to cover not only all school-age children but also thousands of teenagers who were separated from school by the war. The paper reveals the state of satisfaction of the material and cultural needs of rural children.
It is concluded that in the postwar period considerable work was done to create conditions for increasing the educational level of rural children. However, large-scale negative phenomena and shortcomings in the organization of educational work significantly reduced the real results. In addition, preschool and school education in the study period was directly dependent on socio-economic and socio-political factors that dictated the content and functioning of secondary schools and preschools. However, it should be noted that the network of preschools and secondary schools in the postwar years was constantly expanding, and this allowed to cover all sections of the rural population.
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