Within the framework of a project EU Erasmus +:
"The challenges of energy efficiency:
cooperation of Ukraine with the EU",
No 599740-EPP-1-2018-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE
The collective monograph is devoted to the actual issues of economics energy efficiency in Ukraine and EU.
The goal of the monograph is the analysis of the National and European experience in energy conservation sphere; research of energy conservation conditions and energy efficiency in different branches of Ukrainian economy; observation of strategy direction to increase energy efficiency and realize energy conservation opportunities.
To achieve the aim and tasks the following research methods used in the monograph: system approach, historical approach as for historical aspects of energy conservation and energy efficiency in Ukrainian economy and in EU economy; analysis and synthesis method to summarize worlds scientific methods of economic efficiency; statistical method and modelling method to develop schemes, diagrams and additions; generalization method to develop basics and to observe the main directions in the research; scientific abstraction method of the economic-mathematical modeling and econometric analysis to define the main factors effecting Ukraine and EU energy conservation.
The authors of the monograph formed recommendations for Ukrainian energy conservation increase. Offered strategies can be used by local and regional public authorities while elaborating of territory development programs. Besides, the monograph materials can be used by teachers of higher educational establishments to prepare for lectures, special study courses and manuals in the sphere of energy conservation.
Some abstract theories, methodological approaches, recommended practices and implications can be used in enterprises, organizations etc.
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