The fundamental purpose of this paper is to analyze the transformations in the international financial architecture and their impact on the national financial system. The analysis of the international financial architecture's functioning mechanism suggests its similarity with the software system structure. It is static in the way the system functionality is decomposed and divided into implementation teams. The efficiency of international financial architecture's functioning depends mainly on how balanced and interconnected its elements are. Thus, according to systems theory, only by overcoming the deformation of the international financial architecture at all its levels, it is possible to increase the financial system's overall performance. In this regard, maintaining a dynamic balance in the development of the international financial architecture as an integral unit of its structural elements and functions is becoming of urgent importance. This aspect of the research allows the creation of an instrumental and methodological basis for forecasting the directions for further developing the international financial architecture in the context of the globalization of the world economy at the national financial systems level. This study concludes that the complex solution of the international financial architecture challenges involves creating the foundations for implementing progressive structural changes in the economy and contributing to sustainable economic development.
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