The work is dedicated to theoretical study of current climatic trends in Ukraine and their influence on the agricultural sector of the country’s economy together with modern opportunities of crop production increase and efficiency enhancement through the implementation of rational land use policies and the last achievements of information technologies. Robust analysis of meteorological changes and concurrent shifts in crop water requirements through the long-term periods for sustainable high-quality food production is provided. Mathematical models for reference evapotranspiration assessment are developed and introduced for Ukrainian crop producers to enhance the efficiency of agricultural water management under simultaneous stabilization of crop gross production in the conditions of increasing aridity and freshwater deficit. Revision of modern agricultural practices in the field of forest resources management, agrochemicals and pesticides use, land management, etc., is provided in the context of resource-saving and provision of environmentally friendly crop production in the country. Last achievements of remote sensing technologies are integrated in the form of mathematical models for environmental monitoring, crop growth observation and yield forecasting on local and regional scales. Recommendations on agricultural sector policies reformation and implementation of modern information technologies in Ukrainian agriculture are proposed. The monograph is directed to agricultural specialists and scientists, as well as the students who are getting higher education in the field of agronomy, crop science, irrigated agriculture, and precision agriculture.
Internal Reviewers:
Dr Liubov Boiarkina, Institute of Climate Smart Agriculture of NAAS, Ukraine
Dr Yevhenii Domaratskiy, Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University, Ukraine
External Reviewer:
Stoyanets N. V., Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor Sumy National Agricultural University, Ukraine
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