
Kozeratska О.А
Chief forensic psychiatric expert of the department of forensic psychiatric examination of State institution "Institute of Forensic Psychiatry of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine"; Doctor of Medical Sciences by specialty “Psychiatry”
Keywords: Sexual Criminal Offenses, Sanity, Limited Sanity, Non-Sanity, Forensic Psychiatric Expertise, Medical Approaches, Sexual Drive Disorders


This work presents the results of a scientific study having been carried out according to the plan of the thesis “Forensic psychiatric study of persons having committed their crimes on sexual background”. To achieve such a goal, the author has analyzed 287 sub-expert persons having committed their offenses on sexual basis and being under forensic psychiatric examination (FPE) at the Kyiv-City FPE in 2000-2015. During this FPE period, 70 injured persons were also examined to understand their possible victim behavior, their character traits as well as their social and demographic characteristics.
The practical value of this study is due to the algorithm perfection for any forensic psychiatric investigation improving its quality and expert conclusion evidence. Such a fact is an additional guarantee for human rights protection permitting to avoid unreasonable appointment of the second examination and to reduce the period of expert study.


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December 15, 2023

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